Type 2 Diabetic patient
poor restorations ends with Implant placement.
Implant follow-up from past 4 years
Initail HbA1c level; 9.4
current HbA1c level; 8.0
-First planned missing teeth restorations : lower left quadrant three implants
– immediate implant placment in fresh extraction socket of root stamps
– and in healed socket
technique: Immediate implant in fresh extraction socket (submerged protocol)
-Second planned missing teeth restorations: right lower quadrant
technique: same as lower left quadrant
-third planned missing teeth restorations: upper left quadrant
technique: Maxillary sinus Augmentation( Crestal approach)
HPISE technique( delayed loading)
Bone substitutes: Synthtic bone substitutes + CGF clot
-fourth planned Restorations; upper right quadrant(lateral incisor)
twchnique: Immediate implant in fresh extraction socket (root stamp replaced)
– fifth planned restorations: Implant placment in fresh extraction socket(root stamps)
– Attruamatic Extraction (root splitt technique)
– Immediate implant placment in fresh extraction socket
– Immediate temporary prosthesis Provisionalization with Actyl and composites in esthetic zone (gingival contour preservation)
note: A first key of implant placment for diabetic patients is bone loss where the patients has in both arches or not ?
will keep follow-up